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Free Version

DAQS Assist free version

DAQS offers a free version so that you can experience the value.

Analyse your Revit Work-In-Progress models directly in Revit using the DAQS Assist plugin. It provides a detailed list of issues, along with insightful information explaining the purpose of each rule and guidance on resolving the problems. Users can apply filters to focus on specific issues, such as 'critical' or 'performance' concerns. 


Currently, 35 rules that will help you check and improve your Revit model and give an impression of the DAQS capabilities.

  • 13 Best practise rules
  • 2 Data consistency rules
  • 10 Performance rules


Request a free account

DAQS Assist for Revit

Please fill in the form. This will create an account in the DAQS system.

You will receive an email to verify your account and set a password.

Contact us if you have any questions.

Full service

data analytics and quality services

The DAQS Assist and DAQS Dashboard enable you to manage and monitor the information requirements of Revit files for a project efficiently. The DAQS Dashboard serves as a pivotal communication tool for BIM coordinators, allowing them to establish rules and view the status of the project and its models.

Analyze the Work-In-Progress (WIP) models directly in Revit and implement necessary improvements to streamline your workflow. This eliminates the need for time-consuming exports and reduces the administrative overhead associated with issue management. Deliver reliable, data-rich models that meet subsequent BIM requirements.

DAQS enables comprehensive evaluations across multiple levels and criteria to ensure your model complies with the appropriate standards, best practices, and regulations. Feedback is delivered via user-friendly interfaces designed for various roles, such as managers and model designers, ensuring clarity and actionable insights.

Benefits include:
  • Enhanced Revit Performance: Optimize the functioning of your Revit projects for smoother operations.
  • Improved Data Quality: Ensure the accuracy and reliability of your project data.
  • Reduced Risks: Minimize potential errors and discrepancies in your models.
  • Time Savings: Streamline workflows and reduce the need for extensive manual checks.

DAQS Assist Free version vs DAQS Assist Premium

What is the difference between the free version of the DAQS Assist and the premium version? The big difference, of course, is the support we can offer.

  DAQS Assist Free DAQS Assist premium
cost - +/- € 11,- per week per user
rules Limited to what is included Unlimited
Analyse types 1 multiple
Custom rules no yes
Language specific rules no yes
Discipline specific rules no yes
Company specific rules no  yes
Country specific rules no yes
Standards  specific rules only cross country  yes
Shared parameter guid checks only a few yes
Different rules per project no yes
Free additional rules no yes
Custom lookup tables no  yes
DAQS dashboard
Model dashboard no yes
Project dashboard no yes
Company dashboard no yes
Analyse IFC files no yes


Standards Specific Rules

For Dutch customers, we have built many specific rules related to Dutch standards such as BIM Basics ILS and ILS O&E, among others. We can't include these in the free version, as many of these rules would not make sense for other countries or languages. Additionally, some of these rules target specific shared parameters and their published shared parameter GUIDs.

Shared Parameter GUID Checks

In the Netherlands, we check which shared parameters are in the Revit files and if the GUIDs are in our lookup table. This allows customers to identify which families 'pollute' the Revit project file with duplicate parameter names. For our customers, we can also include their published shared parameter file so they can check their Revit files and update their Revit families accordingly.

Different Rules per Project

DAQS Assist free version users are all part of the same project and follow the same rules. Paying customers can create multiple projects with specific configurations for applicable rules.

Free Additional Rules

For paying customers, we offer to create any technically possible rule that they need.

Custom Lookup Tables

A lookup table is a repository where we store specific information that we can query. An example of this is a Dutch classification system. We can check if a parameter's value exists in a dedicated table.